If It's so hard to talk why is it so hard with Ian Marsh

Published: May 15, 2020, 11:48 a.m.

Between 6 April 2020 and 27 April 2020, AFF held FB 21 - a virtual global family business conference with 86 contributors from all over the world. The theme was "Reinventing and Rebooting Family Businesses", aimed to bring positive tools to help you through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ian Marsh worked with business families for more than 40 years, first as adviser and litigator, later as trustee and confidant, and then as mediator and facilitator.

During that time, he became fascinated by why smart, well educated, well-meaning people who love one another often find it so hard to talk about the things that matter most to them (and, if they can’t, what hope is there for the rest of us?).

Today, he writes and speaks about the need for effective face-to-face conversation not simply so that we are heard, but also for our individual wellbeing and as a key tool in building cohesive communities in an increasingly polarised world. He also teaches speaking and listening skills wherever he can and promotes the teaching of oracy in our schools.

Ian’s book, “If it is so Good to Talk, Why is it so Hard?” brings together the latest neuroscience, ancient wisdom and his own experience and, through a series of guided reflections, shows how we can rediscover the power of conversation.

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