Most, if not all of us have spinal problems and the VA is providing cutting edge treatments. Many of our brothers and sisters in arms are coming back from war with spinal problems and you will benefit from the efforts the VA is putting into returning thes

Published: Oct. 11, 2021, 5 a.m.


Dr. Kevin White MD, Chief of Spinal Cord Injury James A Haley VA Hospital.\\xa0 You will learn so much listening to Dr. White as he speaks to the newest treatment for not only Spinal Cord Injuries but also for several other afflictions like ALS that are a challenge for their department. There is so much being done and various spokes working on different types of treatment all come together to provide our vets the best of care. Learn from him the advancements we are making in robotics and artificial intelligence that will impact positively on these veterans.

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