#118 Power to the Little Investor - Josh Emison, Sans Bank

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 5:29 p.m.

A Veteran of the Marine Corps, Josh Emison is another Vet from a military family. With an Army Aircorps veteran grandfather and a Navy Veteran for a father, Josh grew up all over the world. In the mainland US, England, Puerto Rico…well, you get the idea. Josh knew early on he wanted to have a military career, and his father’s advice was, not surprisingly, go to the Naval Academy. Not really knowing what to expect, Josh applied and was accepted and met a bunch of terrific Marine officers. That directed him to the Marine Corps where he spent five years as an infantry officer. He had two non-combat deployments. First to Spain where he got to work with the Spanish military, then to Okinawa, where he trained with the Korean Marines. In Okinawa, he also got to do a lot of scuba diving, so not all work! He then went to Jordan for 13 months working at the embassy in charge of administration and logistics. Josh worked with the Jordanian military, but also got to interact with a lot of the civilians. The Jordanian culture and the people really appealed to Josh and remains one of his fondest memories. The biggest takeaway from all that travel? At the basic level, all people are the same. Yes, we may dress differently and eat different foods, but we are all going through the human experience together. And if you can embody that philosophy, you can be comfortable almost anywhere. As rich as his Marine experience was, Josh was wanting to do other things besides a military career. Interestingly enough, Josh also had a fascination with Jackie Chan Kung Fu movies, so spent 6 months in China once he got out of the Marine Corps so he could learn Mandarin and Kung Fu. After returning to the states, he still had 6 months before starting his teaching job so he decided he wanted to start a business. Not knowing what kind of business to start, he eventually landed as a franchise consultant, which meant if nobody bought a franchise, he didn't get paid. Despite starting the business during the period of strict Covid restrictions, he was able to make it work and successfully placed over a dozen people into franchise ownership. During this time, he began learning more and more about real estate investing and realized many of the best investment opportunities were reserved for non-accredited investors. He also was learning about block chain at the time and wondering how this world-changing technology could work. So how could he help the non-accredited investor world participate in building wealth? Josh came up with the idea to use blockchain to offer fractional real estate ownership and own real estate debt. This gave high, stable returns to “regular” people, and that was the beginning of Sansbank. For as little as $100, many people can participate in real estate investments. You can sign up for early access to the app at sansbank.io or follow them on Twitter at https://twitter.com/sansbank