A crypto 401(k) might be the right solution for you!

Published: Oct. 29, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'Have you procrastinated about setting up a tax-advantaged retirement plan for your small business? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Many self employed small business owners are rushing to do the same. With the fact that 401(k) assets can now be invested in cryptocurrency they are hot right now.\\nFor owners of profitable one-person business operations, a relatively new retirement plan alternative is the solo 401(k). They provide the potential for retirement growth and tax mitigation.\\nThe main solo 401(k) advantage is potentially much larger annual deductible contributions to the owner\\u2019s account\\u200a\\u2014\\u200athat is, your account. Good!\\nNew to the fold now is that under the right circumstances you can invest your 401(k) assets into cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, etc!'