NO BS Boundaries In Business, Work & Personal Relationships #EP9

Published: June 4, 2020, 4:31 p.m.

If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that lack of boundaries impacts business and mission. In this episode, I give you actionable advice that you can use today to step into your power and own what you truly feel, without fear. Holding boundaries is crucial in life and the lack of them can have a huge impact on your relationships – when you have either low or no boundaries that hugely affects your energy.  When you fail to hold a boundary with someone, you disrespect yourself. You disrespect your soul when you need to say something but you don’t say it; you feel an intuitive hit to speak, but when you can’t speak your truth you really feel it in your body. Start to link your personal boundaries with your business  If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner who operates without boundaries you’ll find it reflects hugely in your business. When I had low self-esteem and low confidence it had an impact on my boundaries in my personal relationships. When codependency was active within my relationship my business took a huge dip in revenue – that was in direct relation to the boundaries I didn’t hold. It would be easy for me to blame the other person, but truth is, I had to look within. I didn’t hold my boundaries because I wasn’t fully healed and I continued to be in a relationship I knew wasn’t right for me due to fear. Your boundaries in your personal relationships impact your business, and the boundaries you hold in your friendships and with family members have an impact on your business mission. When I coach clients and I work with people within my super high performance formula, discussions often come up around frustration in business or within relationships, and it often can be linked to the lack of boundaries they held. Think about all the things you’ve been frustrated with and all the people you’ve blamed. Then ask yourself if you failed to set a boundary early on in the relationship and ask yourself what you should have said that you didn’t. When you know you should say something but you don’t, and a person continues to cross the line, it will drain you and that will affect your energy. It drags you down, you create resentments and you start to beat yourself up because you know you should have taken an action, but you weren’t strong enough to. Dial-In Your Boundaries When you hold a boundary you use your authentic power by stepping into your truth – truth in power is key to holding your boundaries. When you don’t make your boundaries important you’re subconsciously knocking your own confidence because you’re not speaking up That seeps into your business and you’ll become less confident with your sales, marketing, and in yourself, leaving you feeling confused. You start to get confused about something you think is about the business, but it’s because you have other personal things going on in respect of boundaries. That causes you to feel low in energy and have negative thought patterns in your business – most people don’t tie these things together. When I hold a boundary I look if it’s an isolated incident or a continued behavior over time. If you’re not holding a boundary or issues aren’t addressed the person will continue to chip away at you, When you’re looking outwards at other people and see a repeated behavior in someone else have the level of consciousness to look at how you repeat your behavior. Respect that they may need to hold boundaries with you. You’ll better understand why that’s important and you can respect somebody that holds a boundary with you instead of getting frustrated with them. Is Fear Holding You Back? Are you not holding a boundary because of a fear? The thought of losing a partner, friend, or team member can really hold you back, but you’re disrespecting yourself by putting other people above your own needs. People who really care about you will appreciate your boundaries.