Chaos To Calm Leadership Reset Meditation #EP7

Published: June 1, 2020, 3:53 p.m.

With so much happening in the news right now I wanted to put together a short meditation that can act as a reset for you if you are being consumed by the news. Please share this with other business owners who may be going through the same! There’s a lot of chaos happening in the world right now – I know there are a lot of entrepreneurs running businesses feeling heavy and consumed. It’s time to reset your mind and body so you can have an amazing day, feel centered, and move forward in your mission. Once you allow the external, chaotic noise that’s been surrounding you to dissolve, your confused, racing mind can relax. You can focus on bringing yourself back to alignment and give yourself space to feel calm and inner peace. The feelings of love, hope, compassion, and unity come from within – when you’re calm you feel more connected to other people, their stories, and any pain they have been through. When you’re leading from a place of empathy, you’re making a positive impact.  Understand that you can find a place within you even at the most difficult of times and be able to ask better questions and take better actions. When you’re living from a calm compassionate place within you, you’ll make compassionate choices from a perspective that brings people together. Stay focused no matter what you’re going through and really think about what you choose to see and hear, and how you handle that information. If you listen and you enjoy the episode then I would love to know that it impacted you. Please take a screen shot of it and tag me on Instagram and you may also reach my followers to grow yours! Have you written a review yet? It’s really simple, just rate the show and there’s a space to add a few lines. I do read them all the time and am personally touched of the stories of how the shows or meditations have impacted you. In addition, if you would like to ask a question, please visit Finally, if you’re ready to get to the next level and you’re a CEO, entrepreneur / leader head to to find out more. The Super High Performance Formula is my signature 6 week intensive that has changed the lives of so many people. Go and watch the amazing videos and check out the program details. The Super High Performance Formula VIP Coaching / Mentoring The Blog The Results