7 Ways To Increase Your Vibration In Leadership For Deeper Impact #EP39

Published: Aug. 12, 2020, 5:38 p.m.

Vibration is your state of being and it's important to leadership because its how you operate in the world. It's how you connect and it's how you interact with others. In this episode, I share 6 ways that you can increase your vibration so you can have a bigger impact on the world. Think about the moments when you feel alive and on fire. During those moments your vibrational frequency was at its highest. You were aligned with something you loved, the people you were surrounded with, and you were thinking positive thoughts. Vibration is your state of being and the energy you radiate. You need to recognize your state of being because your vibration is critical when it comes to your leadership. If you can become energetically and emotionally intelligent to raise your vibration, you can make changes to your lifestyle to help to optimize your life and business. Your level of leadership will benefit because your positive vibrations will have an impact on your team and the people you come into connection with. You want to be in an energetic vibrational space where you’re drawing people closer to you, not pushing them away. To do that you need to plant positivity into your mind and take actions to raise your frequency. There are lots of choices you can make to improve your vibration. Food Making small tweaks with your nutritional choices will help increase your levels of energy and vibration. Be conscious about the choices you make – even if you already eat healthily there are ways you can improve your choices to boost your vibration. Every food and nutrient you consume has an impact on how you feel. Eating unhealthy food will make your energy levels and mood slump as your body focuses on processing any unnatural foods and chemicals you’ve consumed. That slump will have an affect on the energy you radiate. Print out that list of high vibration foods and make the best choices when you go shopping or you eat out and notice how you feel after you’ve eaten. Meditation  The intention of meditation is to increase your vibration and energy. Listening to different meditations will have an impact on your energy and vibration and how they make you feel will depend on the state you’re in when you enter the meditation – some meditations hit you at the right time when you’re in the perfect headspace. The depth of your meditation and the length of time you are meditating for, will increase, not just your vibration, but how you move through the different planes of vibration and energy. To reach that you need to be consistent and have discipline, you have to be consistent and practice. Meditating for two minutes is very different from sitting with yourself for a longer period of time. The longer you can simply be with yourself, the more you allow your ego to drop away to free more space and energy to raise your vibration. If there is a particular meditation you notice shifts your energy and increases your vibration go back to it and do it again. Learning When I feel in low vibration I make the conscious effort to learn; whether that’s reading, watching a documentary on Netflix (a great one called Heal), or listening to a spiritual teacher like Wayne Dyer on Audible. Learning should feel light to you so choose things you feel aligned with. Choose topics that lift and inspire you instead of anything draining or heavy and be aware of the way you learn best; sometimes a book is better listened to than read. Exercise You know that exercise makes you healthier, but when you look at exercise through the lens of vibration it can give you a different type of motivation I exercise because I want to keep my body in shape but now I do it with a different intention. I want to be healthy and I want to interact with people in the gym, but exercise also improves my frequency. When you think about it exercise and being healthy it may put you into a low vibration, but try linking your exercise to the impact it wil...