Episode 787: Q&A 171: Could James Webb Detect Type 2 or 3 Civilizations? And More...

Published: Feb. 11, 2022, 8 p.m.


In this week\'s episode, I explain why James Webb is actually the perfect telescope for detecting advanced civilizations, could we hide the Earth from snooping aliens, could spacecraft go into polar orbit around the Sun? And more...


00:00 Start
\\n00:39 Could James Webb Detect a Type 2/3 Civilization?
\\n05:31 How can Earth hide from aliens?
\\n07:10 Polar orbit around the Sun?
\\n09:41 Could dark matter be alien robots?
\\n11:25 Could iterative design work for JWST?
\\n14:28 Could Betelgeuse have planets?
\\n16:01 Could we replenish Mars atmosphere?
\\n17:34 Are exomoons more habitable?
\\n19:05 Could anything go wrong with JWST?
\\n20:26 Does light redshift to nothing?
\\n22:14 Are Lagrange points filled with debris?
\\n24:12 What are the benefits of a Moon or Mars base?
\\n28:24 How much water will protect against radiation?
\\n29:34 Do photons travel forever?
\\n30:48 What\'s the best way to refuel in space?
\\n32:57 Are there any ways to communicate instantaneously?
\\n34:33 What are my favorite Bortle-1 locations?
\\n37:32 What am I most excited to see from JWST?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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