Episode 765: Q&A 159: How Long Can Life Survive? And More...

Published: Oct. 25, 2021, 11 p.m.


In this week\'s questions show, I theorize how long life can survive in the Universe, could we detect a wormhole in the Solar System, what\'s happening with the Chinese Space Agency? And more...


00:00 Start
\\n00:53 How long can life survive?
\\n04:11 Will a black hole leave a remnant after it evaporates?
\\n06:01 Will we detect biosignatures or technosignatures first?
\\n09:35 Will Lucy make it?
\\n11:29 Could red dwarf stars could become less hectic with time?
\\n14:42 Where does energy go if the Universe becomes static?
\\n16:45 Will James Webb see brown dwarfs?
\\n19:32 Could we detect a wormhole?
\\n21:26 Anything interesting with the Chinese space program lately?
\\n23:23 What happens if a gas giant melts?
\\n25:37 What are the challenges to filming on the ISS?
\\n28:07 Should we be afraid of a meteorite crashing into our roofs?
\\n31:34 When we look up, what class of stars are we seeing?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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