Episode 755: Q&A 153: How High Can Bacteria Survive? And More...

Published: July 22, 2021, 8 p.m.


In the season finale of my questions show, I talk about high-altitude bacteria, traveling into the future, does it make sense to go back to University, and more. See you all in September!


00:00 Start
\\n01:10 How high an altitude can bacteria survive?
\\n04:02 Should I go back to university?
\\n06:29 Could we terraform Venus with comets?
\\n08:49 Could we detect life in Andromeda?
\\n11:04 Could aliens perceive time differently?
\\n13:01 Why do spacecraft use such old hardware?
\\n15:20 What do I think about the billionaire space race?
\\n17:16 How many satellites can we see?
\\n19:31 Would I cryosleep into the future?
\\n20:30 Should we only build smaller space telescopes?
\\n24:40 Did we used to have better knowledge of the cosmos?
\\n27:10 How would life be different close to a black hole?
\\n29:22 Is there a business model for Starship?
\\n31:23 Am I disappointed Trident wasn\'t chosen by NASA?
\\n33:19 Are we the generation to find life beyond Earth?
\\n34:25 How much better will LIGO get?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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\\nCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


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