Episode 751: Q&A 150: What is Space Dust, Anyway? And More...

Published: June 16, 2021, 11 p.m.


In this week\'s questions and answer show, I explain how all the dust in space forms, could life be Von Neumann probes, why do people think black holes lead to another universe, and more...


00:00 Start
\\n00:57 What is space dust?
\\n05:14 Does the Kardashev scale make sense?
\\n08:43 Could life on Earth be Von Neumann probes?
\\n11:31 What should I point my telescope at?
\\n14:23 Why do people think black holes go somewhere?
\\n16:36 Why are we seeing so many asteroids?
\\n19:36 If we can track space debris, shouldn\'t we be able to detect UFOs?
\\n21:42 Would a warp drive be able to travel within the event horizon of a black hole?
\\n22:59 Could we investigate the atmosphere of gas giants?
\\n26:41 What\'s the first resource we\'ll mine off Earth?
\\n29:05 How big is a galaxy?
\\n30:42 Any benefit to stationing a telescope in the outer Solar System?
\\n33:07 What will Space Force accomplish?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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