Episode 725: Q&A 140: Are the Stars We Can See Special in Any Way? And More...

Published: March 29, 2021, 5 p.m.


In this week\'s questions show, I talk about the stars we can see with our own eyes. Are they special? How long does it take solar flares to reach Earth? How will crimes on Mars be prosecuted?


00:00 Start
\\n00:39 What types of stars can we see?
\\n02:07 How long does it take for a solar flare to reach us?
\\n04:19 Will I watch Foundation?
\\n05:39 Crimes on Mars?
\\n08:31 How will future spaceships slow down?
\\n11:06 End of the Earth conspiracy theories
\\n14:22 Will today\'s children live long enough to see interstellar flight?
\\n16:41 Is an Earth-Mars cycler feasible?
\\n19:13 Should we build a giant telescope on the Moon?
\\n22:27 What does space look like, from space?
\\n25:13 Could we see 4th dimensional beings?
\\n28:04 What elements are in the solar winds?
\\n28:48 Will Starship have to launch from the ocean?
\\n31:05 Are there stars forming right now?
\\n33:43 Should we land on Mercury?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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