Episode 724: Q&A 139: Could We Give the Moon an Atmosphere? And More...

Published: March 22, 2021, 7 p.m.


In this week\'s questions show, I answer questions about supernovae, how we could terraform the Moon, and why is Starlink so expensive?


00:00 Start
\\n00:55 When is the next Star Party?
\\n06:21 When will we have better images of exoplanets?
\\n09:25 Am I afraid of another Carrington Event?
\\n13:03 How do astronomers book telescopes?
\\n16:33 Can giant stars have smaller stars orbiting them?
\\n19:31 Have I seen Space Sweepers?
\\n20:17 Could we give the Moon an atmosphere?
\\n21:48 Why not go to Ganymede?
\\n23:53 How many times will SpaceX use boosters?
\\n26:19 Is there still volcanism on Mars?
\\n30:29 How will we measure age in the Universe?
\\n33:46 Do I watch K-Dramas?
\\n37:05 Why do supernovae leave different remnants?
\\n40:30 Babylon 5 vs DS9
\\n42:13 Why is Starlink so expensive?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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