Episode 696: Open Space 94: Is It Realistic to Declare a "Free Mars"? And More...

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 3 p.m.


In this week\'s live QA, I talk about Elon Musk\'s hope of establishing a free Mars, the future of gravitational wave detectors, and what do I think about trying to live in other places in the Solar System?


00:00:00 Start
\\n00:03:00 Thoughts on Bridenstine leaving NASA?
\\n00:08:10 Should we declare a Free Mars?
\\n00:11:43 How sensitive will gravitational wave detectors become?
\\n00:17:05 More damage at Arecibo
\\n00:19:20 Why is the Moon the same visual size as the Sun?
\\n00:22:02 Are white holes real?
\\n00:25:48 Any hard sci-fi
\\n00:28:30 Why doesn\'t Elon talk about nuclear propulsion or artificial gravity?
\\n00:31:03 Why is artificial gravity research so expensive?
\\n00:33:00 What\'s going to happen with Artemis?
\\n00:37:33 What do I think about GPT-3?
\\n00:42:43 Could we live on Venus?
\\n00:48:00 Give Venus an artificial satellite?
\\n00:49:22 Would Mercury be better to live on?
\\n00:51:00 What is the Great Attractor?
\\n00:52:27 Is Titan the best?
\\n00:53:16 Live underground on Venus?
\\n00:55:00 Is Mercury a good source of metals?
\\n00:55:56 Could we terraform Ceres?
\\n00:58:15 How close can planets get to their star?

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