Episode 651: Open Space 76: What Do I Think About Those UFO Videos? And More...

Published: May 11, 2020, 5 p.m.


In this week\'s live QA, I explain what\'s happening with Universe Today during the megavirus, what I think about the recently released UFO videos, how aliens could hide their existence, and if Starship will cause a Kessler Syndrome.


05:05 What about those UFO videos?
\\n08:38 How could aliens hide their existence?
\\n13:20 How does the Decadal Survey work?
\\n14:12 Will Starship cause a Kessler Syndrome?
\\n16:06 Starship SN4 update
\\n17:21 Why would aliens bother using old tech to communicate?
\\n19:34 Could regolith be paved so it doesn\'t kick up dust?
\\n21:04 Could WFIRST replace Hubble?
\\n23:06 Did an asteroid just miss us?
\\n27:11 How much damage will the pandemic cause to space exploration?
\\n30:25 Our show helped someone get an A on their science report.
\\n30:46 How is the curvature of space determined?
\\n32:57 What of the Overwhelmingly Large Telescope got built?
\\n35:10 When will we see boots on Mars?
\\n36:48 What about the Middle East for space exploration?
\\n38:30 Will Elon die on Mars?
\\n43:34 Can a golf ball travel at the speed of light?
\\n44:16 What value will we see from Starlink?
\\n48:52 When will we see an exomoon?
\\n52:25 Was I born too early or late?
\\n54:42 What will Mars Internet be like?
\\n56:40 What will the next century focus on?


Our Book is out!


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\\nChad Weber - weber.chad@gmail.com

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