Episode 612: Open Space 58: First Pictures From the New Telescope, And More...

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 9 p.m.


Thanks to our good friends at Oceanside Photo and Telescope, our livestreaming telescope is back online. I featured a couple of quick pics I took with the telescope during a test stream on Twitch Sunday night.


I also answered questions about our trip to the AAS in Hawaii, if it\'s possible to make a more powerful telescope out of smaller telescopes, and why the ISS doesn\'t have an artificial magnetosphere.


02:20 New pictures from the telescope
\\n04:30 American Astronomical Society meeting in Hawaii
\\n07:45 Can we make a big telescope out of smaller telescopes?
\\n11:59 Why don\'t we make a magnetic field around ISS?
\\n14:10 Why hasn\'t TESS found many planets?
\\n17:20 Has my opinion on the Fermi Paradox changed?
\\n20:10 How do Type 1a supernovae form?
\\n22:18 Can New Horizons flyby more objects?
\\n23:50 How can we detect life if we\'re seeing the past?
\\n26:19 Any plans for next generation of Hubble?
\\n29:08 Any cool new images at AAS?
\\n31:05 What about Origins?
\\n31:44 Did I read many posters?
\\n35:59 Are we the first civilization?
\\n37:44 Next decadal survey?
\\n39:00 How can evidence of civilization disappear?
\\n41:35 Does the Solar System have too many planets?
\\n43:55 Should humanity spread life into the Universe?
\\n45:38 Interesting conversations at AAS?
\\n49:07 Why focus on Mars?
\\n51:20 Shouldn\'t we focus on asteroid defense?
\\n53:04 Does Starlink increase the odds of a Kessler Syndrome?


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