843: How JWST Sees in Color, Where Is Dark Matter, Did Earth Life Come from Space | Q&A 187

Published: June 15, 2022, 5 p.m.


In this week\'s questions and answers show, I explain how JWST and other telescopes see color, how images from observatories are released to the public, and how much of the sky can JWST see. Also, a bunch of non-Webb questions too.


00:00 Start
\\n01:55 [Tatooine] How does JWST see color?
\\n09:58 [Coruscant] How are astronomical images released to the public?
\\n12:52 [Hoth] How does JWST handle spacedust?
\\n14:48 [Naboo] How is JWST pointed?
\\n16:39 [Kamino] Could dark matter be detected in specific parts of the Universe?
\\n18:52 [Bespin] Is dark matter just a smart guess?
\\n23:10 [Mustafar] Why does Earth have water and the Moon doesn\'t?
\\n26:09 [Alderaan] Is Panspermia inevitable?
\\n28:28 [Dagobah] Is the Big Bang a past event or is it still happening?
\\n29:43 [Yavin] What\'s the best telescope to see planets?
\\n31:19 [Mandalore] If we mapped the CMB from Andromeda, would it look different?
\\n33:10 [Geonosis] Why do we see light from long ago, shouldn\'t it have passed us?
\\n34:49 [Corellia] How can we promote diversity in STEM?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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