830: Who Will Get to Mars First, Black Hole Through Earth, Dinosaurs in Space | Q&A 185

Published: May 24, 2022, 7 p.m.


In this week\'s Questions and Answers show, I explain what James Webb will see when it looks at SgrA*, why black holes happen to be facing towards us, and if asteroid strikes can hurl dinosaurs into space.


00:00 Start
\\n00:59 [Tatooine] Will Webb look at SgrA*?
\\n05:23 [Coruscant] Why are both black holes facing us?
\\n07:16 [Hoth] Were dinosaurs hurled to space during an asteroid impact?
\\n09:57 [Naboo] How do stars get bigger than red dwarfs?
\\n12:36 [Kamino] Will there be new physics beyond Newton and Einstein?
\\n15:43 [Bespin] What would happen if a small black hole passed through the Earth?
\\n17:27 [Mustafar] Has water been found on the Moon?
\\n20:13 [Alderaan] How bad is the dust on Mars?
\\n21:54 [Dagobah] Where does a planet go if it\'s absorbed by a black hole and then radiated away?
\\n24:11 [Yavin] Are telescopes generating too much data?
\\n27:01 [Mandalore] Who will take over after us?
\\n28:19 [Geonosis] What will be the next space propulsion systems?
\\n31:14 [Corellia] Will James Webb reveal planets at Proxima B?
\\n33:41 [Crait] Which country will reach Mars first?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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