807: True Shape of the Universe, Asteroid Mining, Alien Astronomers | Q&A 180

Published: April 19, 2022, 4 p.m.


In this week\'s live Questions and Answers show, I provide the exact number of alien worlds that could detect the Earth, are we made of heavier elements made in other galaxies, will lasers remain perfectly parallel in space? And more...


00:00 Start
\\n01:15 [Tatooine] Could any aliens see us by the transit/radial velocity method?
\\n04:05 [Corusant] Are we made from atoms made in other galaxies?
\\n07:23 [Hoth] Will lasers remain parallel in space?
\\n09:32 [Naboo] Is the Universe just a coincidence?
\\n10:16 [Kamino] Are there too many satellites?
\\n13:30 [Bespin] What do I think of ISRO?
\\n15:31 [Mustafar] Will we ever reach the speed of light?
\\n16:47 [Alderaan] Do I find the Great Filter convincing?
\\n18:20 [Dagobah] How can we avoid planetary contamination?
\\n20:53 [Yarvin] Does Pluto have an atmosphere?
\\n22:22 [Mandalore] When will astronauts drop their poop on Mars?
\\n22:38 [Geonosis] Do I see Starlink trails?
\\n24:46 [Corellia] How big can objects get?
\\n26:08 [Crait] Could there be space science startups?
\\n27:19 [Endor] What will low gravity do to Martian colonists?
\\n30:37 [Exegol] Why don\'t astronauts feel centripetal force?
\\n31:48 [Jedha] Was space always a vacuum?
\\n33:38 [Lothal] When will there be asteroid mining?
\\n35:36 [Mortis] How do supermassive black holes form?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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