803: ILLEGAL Moon Residents, Space Power Plants, Center of the Universe | Q&A 179

Published: April 12, 2022, 3:45 p.m.


In this week\'s questions show, I explain how other planets can have geostationary orbits, if sending tardigrades to the Moon is a violation of the Outerspace Treaty, and why everything orbiting the Sun is in perfect balance.


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00:00 Start
\\n00:53 Does Venus have a geostationary orbit?
\\n02:34 Is sending tardigrades to the Moon violate the Outerspace Treaty?
\\n06:30 Why is everything in stable orbit around the Sun?
\\n08:50 Is there a telescope on the ISS?
\\n10:33 How does the solar maximum work?
\\n13:05 Does space solar power make sense?
\\n15:40 Do rockets have to go into orbit around the Earth first?
\\n17:15 When will a microscope go to Mars?
\\n19:57 Could gravitational lensing let us see beyond the observable Universe?
\\n21:53 Where will we see the surface of other worlds?
\\n24:19 Could you go faster to blue shift light?
\\n26:47 Do nuclear rockets need fuel?
\\n28:03 Does time travel slower at the centre of the Universe?
\\n29:49 Can black holes go supernova?


Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here.


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