Unexplained 100 (B): The Best Of The First 100 Episodes

Published: Feb. 7, 2022, 3 a.m.


The conclusion of the special 100th episode...obviously couldn't fit in clips of every single great guest but here is what was chosen. The show gets divided into three parts with clips from five different episodes: Here they are:

The Case Study:
#2 - The Exorcist
#11 - Ghost
#33 - Child's Play
#54 - From Hell
#87 - The Possession

Great Guests:
#44 - David Weiss
#34 - Rene from Arizona
#89 - Kelly-Claire Berge
#88 - Jason Hewlett
#91 - Patrick Cross & Boo

Lightworker Series:
#66: Katherine O'Shea
#58: Lyndsey Scharmyn
#62: Courtney Dawson
#81: Karly Van Every
#95: Amanda Rose Campanaro

Thank you True Believers! Stay curious 'cause if you ain't curious\\xa0 you may as well already be dead!
