Pyramids On Mars UFO Radio Host...Kevin Estrella returns

Published: Aug. 22, 2020, midnight


Join Phantom Phil for the unexplained podcaster of the month...

This month's edition is the host of Pyramids On Mars UFO Radio... Kevin Estrella....his show can be heard on the Artist First Radio Network

Kevin is a returning guest to Unexplained Inc.
Instead of his own E.T. encounters Kevin focuses on the evolution of his show and the more fascinating guests he has spoken to. However have no fear as he does share some more recent encounters and influences on his music. Here are some other topics discussed in the episode:

- Kevin's recent concerts from home
- Potential future live-streaming
- The evolution of Kevin's show
- The most memorable guests of Pyramids On Mars UFO Radio
- E.T. / Human hybrids
- Underground and underwater bases
- Vegetation on E.T. crafts
- Dinosaurs & the existence of dragons (that is not a type-o!!)
