Light-Worker Series: Halloween Edition: Archbishop Ron Feyl Enright...Retired Exorcist

Published: Oct. 29, 2021, 4 a.m.


Archbishop Ron Feyl Enright joins us from southern California to talk about some of the highs and lows of his distinguished career as a servant of God. Although he is retired from active physical work he is still mentoring and coaching many who set out on this path.

In the early 1980's Ron helped form the Order Of Exorcists to take on the controversial and heavily debated topic of exorcisms. His organization runs independently of the Vatican but claims to have a direct lineage in practices of exorcising demonic activity that goes all the way back to Jesus Christ himself.

In this episode you will hear about:
- The formation of the Order and how it expanded to a worldwide organization
- How the training is done to select its members
- Their stance on bringing in psychics to their investigative teams
- The strict screening process client must go through to enlist their help
- The signs of demonic activity
- Actual demonic possession is rare, however Hollywood has captured it more accurately than perhaps we want to believe
- Some of the wounds Archbishop Enright and his team have endured and survived over the years.

Plus much more...some topics were too sensitive to get into fully but this is a chat with an ultimate authority on demonic activity / possession and listen for yourself as to discern why the Archbishop has declared this to be all real and why more awareness needs to be promoted about it...stay curious and Happy Halloween!

You can find everyone out about Ron and his organization at this website:
