Is The End Upon Us? Pt. II: Featuring Jacob from the Infinite Rabbit Hole Podcast

Published: March 20, 2021, midnight


In the conclusion of this intense discussion here is where Jacob and Phantom Phil pick up on where the Bible is pointing out the current end-times:

- Nations against nations and the business of war
- The modern day crisis of race relations and self-victimization
- The underreported famines across the world
- The higher frequency and intensity of earthquakes
- Christian persecution
- False prophets
- Why they both feel the Covid-vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast
- How the Mark of The Beast will be unmistakable and\\xa0 recognizable when it arrives
- A.I. and the trans-humanist movement
- A hopeful ending to this heavy discussion

Plus...Phantom Phil shares some incredible synchronicities that took place during the editing and post production of this episode...stay curious!!

Check out the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast where your podcasts are available!!

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