Close Encounters of The Haunted Kind

Published: April 18, 2020, midnight

In this edition of the Friday Night Fright Phantom Phil talks to a couple who have seen a thing or two inside their own house as well as their own children.

In the first episode of the Close Encounters series Ron & Leslie Knowles the founders of RRLC Paranormal come by for a chat and have a story that needs to be heard. In this interview you will hear...

- Life inside of a haunted house
- The difference between good and bad spirits
- How to stand up to spirits causing trouble
- The trials and tribulations of their son and his unique gift
- How a paranormal team called in to help ended up making things worse
- How to apply means of protection in these situations
- How these events helped spearhead the formation of RRLC Paranormal

Also Phantom Phil talks about an article sent to him about a town in Indonesia that is getting a little 'spooky' with their means of enforcing social distancing in their community

For future note: The Close Encounters Series is the chance for YOU to tell your story about any encounters with the paranormal and unexplained phenomenon...

If you feel your story is worth sharing and want to come chat....drop me a line @: