***Bonus Intro From Halloween Night*** + The November Case Study on The Possession (2012)

Published: Nov. 6, 2021, midnight


This episode kicks off with a\\xa0 special intro from Phantom Phil that was recorded after his Ghost Tour on Halloween Night...some findings get discussed that may surprise you!

The Case Study: The great director Sami Raimi had his name attached to the 2012 film The Possession although his actual involvement is highly skeptical. Maybe this is why Phantom Phil gives the movie a raging thumbs down...no worries however as this movie is based off the true story of the mysterious Dybbuk Box...and it goes to some unusual places...here are some other topics of discussion:

- The red flags and raging loopholes that wreck the quality of the film
- This movie really needs to stop trying to imitate the story arc of The Exorcist
- The demon in the movie vastly differs from the one in our physical world
- Was that movie ending for real? Yes...yes it was!
- Where did the Dybbuk Box originally come from? How many are there?
- Which infamous possessors of the box got used as 'consultants' on the film?
- How did Zak Bagans acquire the Dybbuk and what did he do with it?
- Which celebrity-friend of Zak's had a negative encounter with the Dyybyk?
- Breaking announcements from Phantom Phil in the show's outro

Finally...this is an article that allegedly debunks a lot of the topics discussed on this show...a very fascinating read if you want to dig deeper into this mysterious story

