August 2020 Case Study: Flying On The Wings of A Mothman....The Mothman Prophecies (2002)

Published: Aug. 1, 2020, midnight


In this edition of Unexplained Inc...Phantom Phil does a case study on the 2002 movie 'The Mothman Prophecies'. This movie is allegedly based on true events but what is even more strange are the true events connected to the story after the movie was will also hear:

- A study as to how this movie works as a psychological thriller
- A brief history of sightings in Point Pleasant, West Virginia
- How Point Pleasant feels about the sightings in present day
- Mothman sightings\\xa0 including one that pre-dated the ones in Point Pleasant.
- The connection between sightings and large scale tragedies
- A crazy theory tying together a spike in modern Mothman sightings in and around the city of Chicago
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