EP 231 - Why Finding Your WHY Isn’t As Important As They Say with Tyler Jack Harris

Published: July 13, 2020, 7 a.m.

We live in a results-oriented culture, as far as entrepreneurship is concerned. Everyone wants to show off the accolades and the big wins, but there are very few who really dedicate themselves to documenting the journey and using the knowledge they’ve actually earned to move ahead.
If life is built like a roller coaster, Tyler Jack Harris was going nowhere but up - right up until he topped that hill and went straight down. But even at his worst point, Tyler realized that playing the victim was getting him nowhere. He pulled himself back up, and today he is the founder and host of several podcasts and vlogs, and one of the highest earners for and owners of the life insurance company that made his transformation possible.
On this episode of the Underdog Empowerment podcast, Zach and Tyler get into the power you gain when you wage war with yourself and take responsibility for your life, why knowing who you are should be your priority, how to only promise what you can deliver on, and how the path towards fulfillment - and success, for that matter - begins when you focus on what you’re passionate about. Join the conversation for a dose of inspiration, insight, and hard-hitting truth.
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