UWR 020 If you are not running these FB Ads you are leaving a tonne of money on the table

Published: Sept. 4, 2019, 6 a.m.

Now, of course, we all know that we should be running some kind of lead generation ad in our business. That's pretty kind of normal advice in terms of growing and scaling a business is that we want to have some kind of lead gens ad. And by lead gen ad I mean an ad that you are running that basically in some way gets people to interact with you and leave you their details. So usually their email address in exchange for something. That something might be direct to a call or it might be an opt-in, a PDF, whatever that is, but running some kind of ad in the business to generate leads.Of course, we know that we should be running that kind of ad is standard. Some of the other ads that can make a big difference to our bottom line that we perhaps particularly if we are still running our ads ourselves, particularly we've not outsourced those, that it might be really good for us to have a think about running. So I'm going to run through those with you today.First one that I want to speak about is running some sort of ad to people who are already on your list. They are already on your email list, but they're not clients, they're not customers. Inviting them to A, whatever your call is called, a fitting call, a discovery call, a consulting call, whatever that call is that you have that essentially that sales call. Inviting everyone on your list into one of those calls. You want to be running an ad like that all the time to the people on your list and of course you want to be making sure in Facebook that your custom audiences are set up so that you can run ads to people on your list and so that it is constantly being refreshed. So that as new people are added to your list, they're getting added into this custom audience within Facebook. So that you can run adverts to them so that you can run Facebook ads to them and start trying to get them into the next stage.So getting them on a call with you. If you're not running ads to people who are already on your list, inviting them to the next stage, which is generally speaking of call, then you are leaving some money on the table with those people. Of course, you should, as part of your weekly email newsletters, be inviting them via email as well. That's just another kind of by the by. If that is not part of your process, I highly encourage you to have that. What we do is we have it as a PS on our emails that go out. PS, you want to take the next steps. These are the various options for you and one of those things is to invite them to a call. So that is a big one.The next ad and number two, that I highly recommend that you have a think about how you can implement in your business because again you'll be leaving some money on the table if you don't. Is retargeting those people who you have already spoken to on fitting call. Who were from your perspective a good fit but they were on the fence after the call. They were humming and hawing and they've gone away to think about it. They're not quite sure. They need a little bit more time to decide. Running ads to those people and particularly things like case study ads or testimonial style ads can be a really good way to get them to be warming up to the idea of working with you a bit more.And in those ads your call to action. Maybe for example, to get on another call, it might be a quick kind of 15 minute call rather than your ... I say a usual 45 minute call or whatever that is, but you want again to be encouraging them to move along the next stage of the process. You already have spoken to them. You know that you'd be able to work well with them. You know they're a good fit for your business. Inviting them, nudging them forward via retargeting ads can be a great ad to run as well.Those are two we've covered so far. So people on your list. Inviting them into a fitting call, inviting them into sales call, inviting them into discovery call and two, retargeting those you've already spoken to on a fitting call who are pre-qualified,