My Top Productivity Tip

Published: March 10, 2021, 5:24 a.m.

Subscribe to Our  Podcast: Listen onApple PodcastListen onAudibleListen onSpotifyListen onGoogle PodcastsListen onCastboxListen onStitcher RadioIn this episode of Uncover Wealth Radio 329. I shared about a topic My Productivity Tip.  Have you ever wondered why other business owners get more things done? Have you ever thought about yourself being more productive? We all know that we have the same 24 hours, 7 days, and 1 month yet other business owners are more productive than the others. In this episode, you will learn my TOP TIPS on how to become more productive than you’ll ever be, not just in your business, even in your personal life. Today, Annette Ferguson, who is the host of Uncover Wealth Radio and a pro in helping entrepreneurs take home more money from their business for them and their family to enjoy, is here to tell you all about money, business wealth and creating financial freedom.Points of Discussion:Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show… The things that I do all throughout the day and how I become productive.My top productivity tips: Time Blocking and Forward Planning. Resources:Your Money GuideConnect with Annette Ferguson