057: Building a 7-Figure Lifestyle Business from a Lemonade Stand with Josh Lange

Published: Sept. 11, 2018, 6 a.m.

Ever wanted to rip off your suit and tie, ditch the 9 to 5 lifestyle and live life on the road? Josh Lange wanted a business to fund his winter ambitions, travels, and adventurous lifestyle. So, in 1998 Josh founded Just Squeezed Juice, Inc.

The company’s philosophy has been and continues to be working hard every summer to support global adventures. From April to September of each year, Just Squeezed's one of a kind crew travel from coast to coast selling fresh squeezed lemonade at some of the country’s most popular festivals.

Josh has built Just Squeezed into a 7-figure earning monster of a business. He also founded Just Brewed in 2010, which is fresh coffee sold at the festivals along with Just Squeezed.

Recently, Josh created Squeeziversity, which is a platform for Josh to share how he turned a simple lemonade stand into a 7-figure business, and how he can help others achieve similar freedom and results.

You can find Josh at:

Just Squeezed Website: https://www.justsqueezedjuice.com/

SQUEEZiversity: https://www.justschooled.com/p/opt-in

Josh’s Instagram: josh.lange

Just Squeezed’s Instagram: just.squeezed

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