Ep 101: Stormy Predictions, Crypto Drones, Rocket Science, Truck Drivin' Son-of-a Gun

Published: Sept. 26, 2022, 7 p.m.


Dave admits to fudging his Centennial predictions as he sold his place in Pittsburgh. He'll miss the 'burgh but vows to come back for visits.\\xa0 Listen to what another podcaster says about Pittsburgh in his opening.\\xa0 Dave also admits to being the reason the episode is late.

Del reflects on his days as a truck driver, when life was simpler yet harder.

Del waxes poetic over the Jetson One\\xa0 drone, which can carry a Vixen or a light Buck, technically making it not a drone. He also assigns Dave to find a link to it. Watch this and you'll want one.

Bucks talk storms. Hurricane Fiona beats up the eastern Canadian provinces. Buck hugs to listeners in Halifax and surrounds as you dig out. Hurricane Ian is haded straight for Del, who says storms are like life-only the strong survive. Fingers crossed for the Gulf coasters.

Dave breaks another crown, bringing tears of joy to his dentist. Del continues to recuperate from cataract surgery.\\xa0 We're called the OLD bucks, remember.

Bucks talk rocket science as a scheduled asteroid bump looms. Del wants to go nuke.

Ethereum cleans up its energy gobbling act with the Merge.\\xa0 Read this if you dare.

Dave issues\\xa0 a Public Safety Announcement about picking up hot objects with your bare hands.

Want to talk to the Bucks? Send us a note about a true story that happened to you. We might even interview you.\\xa0 Nearly billions will hear your tale.\\xa0 Find us at


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