Yeah, We Went There, Too

Published: July 23, 2023, 6:03 p.m.


Yeah, we joined mainstream and social media in debating Barbie in our podcast, but we went in a different direction with the history of gender-based books and roles.


We start in the mass market publishing in the beginning of the 20th Century ("dime store novels") through the "Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew" type books of the Fifties. We work our way into Women\'s Lib and ERA, and we talk about how the Barbie movie is portrayed in social media.




-Our WIPs


-Happy Birthday


-Deer Update


-WGA and the SAGAFTA strikes


As a bonus, three of our books will be free on Monday, July 24. Here\'s that link. If you miss the giveaway, send me proof that you bought them and we\'ll Venmo you the cost. We\'d rather you read the books than worry about buying them.


As always, check us out at


Have a listen and let us know what you think. TIA! LYL!
