Four Projects

Published: Nov. 5, 2023, 5:57 p.m.


This week\'s podcast/broadcast is about our four projects:


-CC finished formatting "From Tundra to Tiara"! We\'ll release it Friday, November 10, for $9.99


-I finished formatting "The Tucci Chronicles"! That will be released soon.


-CC\'s is deep into Nano and writing Book 2 of a brand new series.


-My Nano project is the third book of the "Sheriff in Nevada" series.



Back to "From Tundra to Tiara": We released the e-book in January 2023, but some readers love hard copy books. That\'s what you\'re getting on Friday, November 10. The price will be going up to $12.99 sometime soon, so grab our book at the discounted price now.


Here\'s the FTTT link.



More details about all of our books.



Our website, of course.



Have a listen to this week\'s podcast and let us know what you think. TIA LYL!
