Anxiety Attack

Published: Sept. 18, 2022, 5:07 p.m.


We gave ourselves an on-air (and mutual) anxiety attack in this week\'s podcast as we talked out our plans for the rest of the year. We didn\'t know how much we have going on until we turned on the microphone!


The big part of the podcast was Content Editing. We got the draft back from our editors on our joint project, and we learned that we did indeed have plot holes that need smoothing over before we can return the draft for their next deep dive. We talk about how we created those holes and how we\'ll fix them.


Another major portion was a deep dive into our Nanowrimo project we\'ll be doing in November. We have ideas and thoughts, and we\'ll be hopefully organizing them in a few weeks into a coherent draft.


We talked about our ongoing Graphics Art Design class we\'re taking at the local college. You can see our first line-drawing exercises on our web page. We\'re beginners, so please be kind. The last project we touch is the Big Move where we\'ll be making a "partners desk" office in our house after JT retires.


Yowza. See why we had an anxiety attack? We barely skimmed over the upcoming holidays if that\'s a clue.


Have a listen and let us know what you think at our website at TIA! LYL!
