008: On Gen Z, Grease Curtains, Safe Travels, Ketogenic Diets & Bachelor Nation

Published: Feb. 18, 2021, 10 a.m.

On this episode, Jamie and Lo laugh about how one day Gen Z will get it and also about Lo’s most horrifying hair fail (00:02:37). She trusts those of you that let her do that slightly less than before and you know who you are. 

Then, Lo unpacks the irony of returning to a “simpler life” (i.e. the equestrian world) and what a privileged position she finds herself in while Jamie similarly unpacks privilege but: travel edition (00:04:21 & 00:15:30, respectively).

This episode’s wellness discussion (dare we rename this segment “Lo, I wanna know…”?!) kicks off with two listener questions — one about identifying and mitigating gut-related concerns and the other about ketogenic diets (00:22:34). And Jamie continues our enneagram journey with a Type 8 deep dive (00:52:41). Trump and MLK… need we say more?

The ladies conclude by catching up on Bachelor Nation (01:13:05) — [NOTE: this was recorded before literally everything went down so commentary is already out of date], and what they’re reading (01:24:23).

On the next episode, the ladies will discuss the February #podpick Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters so don’t forget to grab your copy

Happy listening! Or watching if YouTube is more your speed.