Why are we launching the series on equity, inclusion, and belonging

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 2 p.m.

Roderick Jefferson, Tamara McMillen, and The Collaborator kicked off the launch of this new series by both sharing their thoughts on equity, inclusion, and belonging, but also by sharing why this matters so much now. 

In addition, Roderick provided a framework for businesses and individuals to use to begin addressing these challenges and lead to a better world, a better human people.  You can access this framework right here and begin putting it in action today.


We have created this series in hopes of not simply talking about challenges, but to truly create change.  

  • If you want to join us by participating in the series please reach out.
  • If you want to begin making changes in your business to address these issues, please reach out.

Let's create a better world together by collaborating and facilitating these changes in our lives, our businesses, and in the world around us.

Support the show (https://join.slack.com/t/trustenablement/shared_invite/zt-zqacvwmv-UCiO74qbmAKJ0n7hoykYFQ)