Revenue Enablement Communications in an engaging, cross-channel manner

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 8 p.m.

Adrian Vernon is the Director of Sales Enablement at MobileIron and Shorey Russell is the Senior Sales Enablement Program Manager at MobileIron.

In this session, they hey shared WHY, HOW, and WHAT they measure around delivering Enablement in an entertaining and unique way across a multitude of channels.

1️⃣ Webinars. All the customer-facing teams need to know in less than an hour with each segment staying under 18 minutes in length (think Ted talk).

Then they launched, based upon the request and needs of the field, two other webinars with more focus to go deeper on specific topics.

2️⃣ Office hours. Call in, lay down on the couch, and explore your challenges with the team. Coaching the team to help them overcome their challenges.

3️⃣ Slack. Only the second most popular Slack channel in the business where the teams are constantly collaborating.

4️⃣ Podcast. Insights from the head of sales on trends, sales tips, and anything else the teams can learn from.

So many good ideas to steal for your Enablement practice, give a listen.

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