Enablement Planning, Communication, and Collaboration as a Team of One

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 8 p.m.

Sally Kim is responsible for Global Sales and Partner Enablement, Google Maps Platform, at Google.  In this conversation with The Collaborator, Sally shared the importance of getting back to basics with meetings to drive Enablement, including:

1️⃣Setup monthly or quarterly meetings for reviews of strategic priorities with key stakeholders.

2️⃣Have weekly or bi-weekly meetings to review progress on tactical efforts and review current tactical priorities.

3️⃣Always use meetings for discussion and feedback, don't waste people's time with an hour-long walkthrough of a PowerPoint you could have shared with them prior to the meeting.

4️⃣Always set a meeting agenda so attendees know what is being discussed, how they can help, and so they can come prepared and ready to engage.

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