Dave Nel talks Enablement in South Africa, starting enablement from scratch, and more

Published: Aug. 15, 2020, 10 a.m.

Dave Nel, National Head of Sales Enablement at Investec, joins The Collaborator to explore Enablement in South Africa, his views on starting from scratch, and the importance of sales coaching.

One of the key messages that David has, based upon his work right now, was the importance of working with sales managers to amplify and scale his sales coaching efforts. Key tips included:

1️⃣Meet the leaders based upon where they are, what their needs are, and personalize how you work with them.

2️⃣Use metrics and feedback surveys to fully understand what their needs are and where they truly are.

3️⃣Get buy-in from the sales managers' leaders to support your efforts.  

4️⃣Get feedback from the individual sellers.  In David's case, the 400+ individual sellers articulated, via a survey, that they needed their leaders to be coaches.

As always, give a listen and remain curious.

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