A Detailed Approach to Change Management in Enablement

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 1 p.m.

Mat Singer is the Head of Sales Enablement at Upland Software.  He joined The Collaborator to discuss the role of change management in the Enablement process.

Mat took the time to guide us through the key steps required to consistently achieve adoption and deliver on the expected changes.

1️⃣Start with a defined need, sales execs agree on the priority/ urgency and it supports a top strategic goal for the year

2️⃣Build executive alignment on the solution, timeline for implementation, their role in supporting the initiative

3️⃣Build alignment with second level sales leader. If you need to design/ configure, get leaders and SMEs involved so they’re bought in.

4️⃣Craft a communication plan

5️⃣Implementation.  Key points are to have champions, stay with it to deliver full adoption, and train and remind of why this matters.

6️⃣ Reporting.  Baseline current state, track, and report horizontally and vertically.

7️⃣Depending on size, commit resources long-term as many changes require long-term process and people support to become adopted and create the desired changes.

So much goodness.  Give a listen and remain curious.

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