A Chief Sales Enablement Officer shares insights from the top

Published: Sept. 22, 2020, 11 p.m.

Mary Tafuri is the Chief Sales Enablement Officer and VP - IBM Cloud & Cognitive SW at IBM.  

Mary gave us much to consider: Humble leadership, something to consider about the enablement career path, and a focus on creating truly transformative models leveraging a lot of design thinking principles.

A simply summary of the principles?

Create a collaborative working relationship both across the customer facing teams you support but also throughout, and even outside, of your business.

The rewards for the Enablement leader that follows this model?

1️⃣ Learning so as to provide the right value back to the teams you are supporting.

2️⃣ Support from those you are supporting in terms of buy-in, crowd-sourcing of content and education.

3️⃣ The opportunity to keep growing your career to higher levels of the organization.

Collaborators transform their businesses, the people they work with, and themselves. Be a Collaborator.

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