Hotelier's Voice - Michael Reynolds, Maximise Revenue changing PMS in 7 days

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 9 a.m.

In this episode we speak with Michael Reynolds, a revenue and hotel tech consultant with Maximise Revenue who has worked with chains including Village hotels, easy hotels PLC as well as independent properties.


For Michael it’s about moving away from legacy systems to maximise revenue, optimise system performance and processes and enable hotels to be more savvy. As part of his Procurement research, Michael said “following experience and having to research new systems in the past, I knew the main players but wanted to look at up and coming providers to see the opportunities. It was a tick box exercise, with one main criteria being an Open API, to continue linking more and more to it. We quickly discarded a few PMS for this reason. Then a quick demo, to see how easy it is to use and how quick to onboard. It was done during lockdown, so was a very lastminute idea and we knew we had to turn it around asap. In 6 weeks of lockdown we did this all remotely and completed the installation.”


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