07: MISSOURI-- Car Tire

Published: Aug. 14, 2020, 6:49 a.m.

**CONTENT WARNINGS: general themes of drowning, murder, and loud arguing. Please note that if you are driving, the following sounds will be in this episode: engine revving (TIME), tires squealing

(TIME), and a car crash (TIME).**

Sometimes a phone call is so much more important than Carter thinks.

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Episode Transcript and Video Link: https://www.transmissionfolklore.com/#transcript-ep7

Carter is voiced by Orion Ibert

Sorrel is voiced by Mik Koats

Meabhe is voiced by Lilith Costo


"Pilot" by Lately Kind of Yeah (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License)

"Hey Come Together" by Lobo Loco (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License)


Traffic Ambiance (Creative Commons 0 License)

Gear Change (Creative Commons 0 License)

Car Door (Creative Commons 0 License)

Windows (Attribution Noncommercial License)

Tires Squealing (Creative Commons 0 License)

Engine Revving (Attribution Noncommercial License)

Phone Beep (Attribution Noncommercial License)

Dial Tone (Creative Commons 0 License)

Wind (Creative Commons 0 License)

Sparkle (Attribution License)