Women in the Workforce, 21st Century Dating

Published: Feb. 13, 2015, 10 p.m.

Women in the Workforce Guest: Pamela Stone, Sociologist at Hunter College Lori Wadsworth, Professor at BYU’s Romney Institute of Public Management Listen as we discuss the various pressures working women face in the U.S. and how government policies and corporate structure dictate when women work and when they don’t. Lori Wadsworth says it hasn’t really been a decline in women in the workforce but a, “stagnation. I don’t think we have as strong of a decline as we might consider.” “Many of us can’t afford to take time off. Although we may have a desire to take time off, we can’t afford to do that,” says Wadsworth on the lack of government benefits for women.  When it comes to protecting women in the workforce, Pamela Stone says that, compared to other nations, the U.S. is “abysmal. Europe is far ahead of us. We are an outlier,” says Stone. When someone asks for that \[benefits] they are looked down upon and they aren’t looked at as serious workers. After they’ve asked for those programs they aren’t taken seriously and they see their career stagnate,” says Wadsworth. 21st Century Dating Guests: Dr. Brian Willoughby, Professor in BYU’s School of Family Life  Dr. Beth Bailey, History Professor at Temple University and author of “Sex in the Heartland” On this Valentine’s Day Weekend, we’re having a closer look at dating and love in the 21st century.  “The way that we think about the courtship process has been very fluid throughout history,” says Willoughby. “I think what’s funny is we compare traditional dating to today as if the traditional model had lasted forever and had been a sudden break. What we consider traditional dating,” says Bailey, “has lasted a whole lot less time than what we do today.”