Wiretapping Trump, The Holi Festival, Frank Wildhorn

Published: March 22, 2017, 11 p.m.

Parsing Trump’s Wiretapping Claims Guest: Ryan Vogel, J.D., Professor and Founding Director of the Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University President Trump has not backed down from his claims that Trump Tower was wiretapped during the election. First he blamed President Obama for it in a tweet. Then he said the British Secret Service did it for Obama.  But, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee – Republican Devin Nunes – announced he had evidence that some of President Trump’s personal communications may have been caught up in “incidental” surveillance of a foreign power in the months after the election. We tease out what we know, and what we don't, about alleged wiretapping activities involving Trump.  Who is Rural America? Guest: Jennifer Zwagerman, Associate Director of the Agricultural Law Center and Director of Career Development, Drake University Law School Manufacturing output is at an all-time high, but you wouldn’t know it from talking to residents of rural America, which lost one-quarter of its manufacturing jobs in the 2000s. Donald Trump won big in rural areas by tapping into feelings and experiences often overlooked on the national stage—after all, only 14 percent of Americans live in rural areas. People in those communities can easily feel forgotten when their fortunes do not rise with the rest of the country.  The Holi Festival: India’s Color-Throwing Spring Fling Gone Global Guest: Ravi Gupta, Professor of History, Director of the Religious Studies Program, Utah State University The Holi Festival is being celebrated around the world right now. It’s a springtime holiday for Hindus marked, most notably, by the throwing of multi-colored powder. Holi has become a worldwide phenomenon with large rainbow-powdered gatherings in cities across the US and Europe. It’s even spawned fun runs where participants dress in white and are doused with color at various points during the race.  Apple Seed Guest: Sam Payne, Host of BYUradio's "The Apple Seed" Sam Payne joins us in the studio to share tales of tellers and stories. Windy Rivers in the Sky Guest: Duane Waliser, PhD, Chief Scientist and Earth Science and Technology Directorate, Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA; Visiting Associate in the Geological and Planetary Sciences Division, Caltech; Adjunct Professor in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Department, UCLA They seem like something out of science fiction: giant rivers in the sky, producing fantastic storms when they hit land. And it’s not just the water, these storms pack a huge punch with the wind they carry. Atmospheric rivers are what they’re called, and their power is the focus of some new research in the “Nature Geoscience.” Frank Wildhorn Brings Pop to the Stage Guest: Frank Wildhorn, Songwriter and Composer of hit musicals such as “The Count of Monte Cristo,” “Jekyll and Hyde,” and “The Scarlet Pimpernel” For more than two decades, Frank Wildhorn has captivated audiences worldwide with his popular musicals. Unlike many professional composers who started learning music around the same time they learned to talk, Wildhorn taught himself to play the piano as a teenager, and before he wrote for theater, he wrote a huge hit for pop star Whitney Houston. He joins us in our performance studio to play some of his hits and share his story.