War Crimes, Misophonia, Boring Ball Games

Published: April 30, 2019, 10 p.m.

No War Crimes Prosecution for US Soldiers in Afghanistan Guest: Eric Jensen, Professor of International Law, BYU J. Reuben Clark Law School The International Criminal Court has decided not to investigate or prosecute alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan. President Trump called the decision a major international victory. Chewing, Chomping and Slurping Cause Intense Discomfort to Those with Misophonia Guest: Jeffrey Gould, Director/Producer of “Quiet Please” Eating noises are gross. I would try to beat my siblings to breakfast growing up because I couldn’t stand the sound of chomping and slurping cold cereal. I’d hurry and eat quickly –making my own slurping noises I’m sure –so I wouldn’t have to hear my brother and sisters making their noises. How Statistics Have Changed Baseball Guest: Edwin Amenta, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Irvine Major League Baseball scouts used to choose players based on their intuition. That all changed in 2002 when the Oakland A’s decided to use statistics instead. It turns out you can put together a successful team with help from a computer, and it revolutionized how the game is played throughout the entire major league. But MLB game attendance is at a 15-year low. The Need for More Information on Educational Interventions Guest: Hugo Lortie-Forgues, University of York, UK There's something comforting about the phrase "a scientific study found". Like when your kid comes home with some strange new math cirriculum and the teacher's note says, "A scientific study found these weird-looking worksheets hellp kids learn math better," you'll be less skeptical of it, right? So that explains why more and more large scientificc studies are being done on education interventions. Unfortunately they're not as helpful as we might hope. Coaching A Dance Team to Victory Guest: Jodi Maxfield, Coach of BYU’s Cougarettes Dance Team The best college hip hop dance team in the country –and second best in the world –is at BYU. They’re the Cougarettes and maybe you’ve seen one of their viral dance videos. There’s a strong argument to be made that the women dancing and cheering in sync on the sidelines and during half-time are every bit as athletic as the players on the court. Childproofing Your Ride Guest: Amber Rollins and Whitney Rodden from KidsandCars.org Cars are the number one cause of death and injury for children in the United States. Traffic accidents account for many of these but what is surprising is how many tragedies occur when the car is simply parked or leaving a driveway. Parents are trained to think about child-proofing their homes with young kids around, but what about child-proofing your car?  Worlds Awaiting: Getting The Most of Reading Aloud Guest: Rachel Wadham, Host, Worlds Awaiting on BYUradio, Education and Juvenile Collections Librarian, BYU