Trump at the UN, US Citizenship Test, Become an Opera Fan

Published: Sept. 19, 2017, 11 p.m.

Trump at the UN and Other Hot-Button World Issues Guest: Eric Jensen, JD, Professor of International Law, Brigham Young University President Trump's first address to the UN General Assembly was unusual in many regards: he called out North Korea by name, he disparaged existing the US' arms deal with Iran, he took jabs and China and Russia. But maybe he was just saying what many people in the room were thinking but would never say out loud? We dissect the President's address and also talk about his explanation of the US attitude toward refugees. And we explore how the Pentagon will likely move forward on the American ISIS prisoner in custody. The Great American Citizenship Quiz Guest: Solomon Skolnick, Author, "The Great American Citizenship Quiz" In the past decade more than 6 million people have become naturalized citizens on the United Statesof America. To do so, they have to pass a citizenship quiz. Could you pass it? Do you know how many amendments there are to the US Constitution? Can you name one of the two longest rivers in the United States?  Can you name one of the writers of the “Federalist Papers”? Solomon Skolnick has recently published a new edition of “The Great American Citizenship Quiz,” which outlines all the questions and answers to the citizenship quiz. We reached out to him to ask him whether studying for this quiz really prepares people for US citizenship and whether most natural-born citizens have mastered this information. How to Go to (and Enjoy) an Opera Guest: Joshua Lindsay, PhD, Director of Opera Theater, Brigham Young University Opera attendance has been on the decline in the US over the last decade. Only two percent of Americans will go to an opera in a given year. From one perspective, it's not hard to see why. Operas are long and a little stuffy. They’re almost always performed in a foreign language and the music’s just not as accessible as the pop songs most of us are used to. But if you understand opera and do a little preparation in advance, you’ll probably enjoy yourself. So, we asked BYU’s new Director of Opera Theater, Joshua Lindsay, to give us some tips. Want more of the music you heard in this interview? Here’s the full track list: 1.    Prelude from Bizet’s Carmen, directed by Sir Georg Solti 2.    “L’amour est un oiseau rebelle” from Bizet’s Carmen featuring Tatiana Troyanos 3.    “C’est toi!” from Bizet’s Carmen featuring Tatiana Troyanos & Placido Domingo 4.    “Votre toast, je peux vous le render” from Bizet’s Carmen featuring José van Dam 5.    “Ella giammai m’amò!” from Verdi’s Don Carlos featuring Ruggero Raimondi 6.    “Stride la vampa!” from Verdi’s Il Trovatore featuring Fiorenza Cossotto 7.    “O soave fanciulla” from Puccini’s La Boheme featuring Mirella Freni & Luciano Pavarotti 8.    “Vissi d’arte” from Puccini’s Tosca featuring María Callas Cities of the Future Guest: Antony Wood, PhD, Executive Director, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Associate Professor of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology The tallest building in the world is Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It’s more than 160 stories. But there are skyscrapers being built right now in China and Saudi Arabia that will go even higher. At what point does the potential height of a building max out? Could a building go a mile high? There’s an entire organization dedicated to these questions called the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Worlds Awaiting: Matching Younger Readers with Appropriate Books Guest: Rachel Wadham, Host, Worlds Awaiting, BYUradio