Trump and the Market, Middle East Panel, The Bracero Program

Published: March 10, 2017, midnight

The Stock Market, the Economy and Trump Guest: Steve Thorley, PhD, professor of finance in the BYU Marriott School of Management The world’s most famous stock index – the Dow – hit an historic high a week ago, crossing 21,000 for the first time. That came the day after President Donald Trump gave his first joint address to Congress. True to form, Trump boasted about it on Twitter, noting just how well the stock market had done since his election and ending with one word – “Jobs!” The Dow has since dipped back under 21,000, but remains close. Just how much of the market’s current strength can President Trump take credit for? And does a booming stock market equate to more jobs in the US economy? Music Heals Terrorist Victim Guest: Sam Baker, Terrorist Survivor, Musician Sam Baker didn't start writing music until he nearly died in a terrorist bombing.  It was 1986, and Baker was 31, a tourist on a train in Peru that was blown up by The Shining Path terror group. Baker’s injuries were so severe he had to relearn how to walk, move, and speak. During all of that time his body was healing, something changed inside Sam Baker as well. He gave up his job in a bank to write music, which he felt was a new calling for him. His album “Say Grace” was named one of the top ten country albums of 2013 by Rolling Stone. Optimism Leads to Longer Life Guest: Kaitlin Hagan, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital We’ll hear now from a medical perspective that a sunny, hopeful disposition improves your chances of having a longer, healthier life. This according to research published recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Middle East Panel Guest: Steven Lobell, Political Science Professor, UofU; John Macfarlane, Adjunct Professor of Political Science, UVU; Fred Axelgard, Senior Fellow at the Wheatley Institution, BYU Let’s turn to affairs in the Middle East now with our monthly panel of experts. President Trump has signed a new executive order restricting travel and refugee admissions. It’s slated to take effect next Thursday. The travel ban portion would last 90 days and applies to citizens from six countries – Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.  Iraq was left off the list this time. The Bracero Program Guest: Prof. Edward Kosack, Assistant Professor of Economics, Xavier University Since President Trump took office, the number of migrants caught trying to cross illegally into the US from Mexico has dropped by nearly half. The White House is touting the new figures from US Customs and Border Protection as proof the President’s executive orders aimed at tougher immigration enforcement are already working.  But America’s long history with Mexican immigration has been driven by a pendulum of presidential actions and political orders - sometimes tightening the border, sometimes putting up the welcome sign. One such period, 70 years ago, offers important insight.