Trapped in Houston Flooding, Skip a Grade, VidAngel Relaunch

Published: Aug. 28, 2017, 11 p.m.

Trapped in Houston’s Historic Flooding Guest: Amy Bice Larson, Houston-area resident Across the Houston region, more than two feet of rain fell in the span of Saturday and Sunday. By the end of this week, some parts of the Gulf Coast could get 50 inches of rain. Thousands of people have been evacuated from the rising flood waters, but many, many more remain stuck in their homes and neighborhoods, waiting for the rain to stop and hoping the water doesn’t get any higher. One resident's perspective on the current situation. Officer-in-Residence: More than Just Community Policing Guest: Eric Echevarria, Sergeant, Director of the Resident Officer Program of Elgin (ROPE) In high-crime, high-poverty neighborhoods around the country, police have a trust problem. Officers are often seen as racially biased and uninterested in focusing on the problems the community is most concerned about.  It doesn’t help that most of the time, the police officers typically don’t live in the neighborhoods they patrol. What might change if they did? Police in the city of Elgin, Illinois have found out with their long-running “Resident Officer Program of Elgin” or ROPE. What Good are Standardized Tests? Guest: Christopher Tienken, EdD, Associate Professor of Education Leadership, Management and Policy, Seton Hall University Standardized tests in US schools are not popular. They take up class time and put immense pressure on students and their teachers. But if we want to know how well teachers are teaching and students are learning in school, we have to test them somehow, don’t we? Standardized tests are not the best option, though. Researchers can generally predict how well students will do on standardized tests based entirely on their lives outside of the classroom.   Should My Child Skip a Grade? Guest: Russell Warne, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, Utah Valley University Parents of academically gifted children have to wrestle with some of these questions: Should they enroll them in AP and honors classes, have them take classes at a local community college, or skip a grade and get on to university that much faster? According to new research, they will make more money as adults if they skip a grade.  Parent Previews – Leap! and All Saints Guest: Rob Gustafson, Film Reviewer at "Leap!" is about an orphan named Félicie who wants to dance. In order to get into the Opera Ballet School in Paris, she pretends to be from a wealthy family. She will learn talent is not enough. "All Saints" is based on a true story about pastor Michael Spurlock. When asked to shut his church down, a group of refugees from Southeast Asia inspires a plan to try and save the church. VidAngel’s Relaunch Guest: Neal Harmon, CEO, VidAngel The popular movie filtering site VidAngel has reinvented itself. Its original version was shut down by a judge at the start of the year while a copyright infringement lawsuit plays out between VidAngel and major Hollywood studios, including Disney and Fox. The studios complained VidAngel was undercutting their streaming deals with sites like Netflix and Google Play by making illegal copies of DVDs and streaming them to VidAngel customers with filtering options.  VidAngel hasn’t given up that fight. But in the meantime, it has now layered its filtering options on top of streaming services like Netflix. For a monthly fee, VidAngel customers can stream shows on their Netflix, Amazon and HBO accounts – but with objectionable content filtered out.